Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day

I must admit that this year Valentines day was not quite the event it usually is. I had big plans like I always do, but then sickness hit us and well those plans never really happened. Max and I ran out to Target yesterday morning to pick up the "guys" (as Max likes to call them) gifts for V-day. We ended up with a book and new lunch box for H, a book and skippy thing for Liv, books for Jack, and a play-do set for Mister Max.

I usually will pack them a very special lunch, but on this certian day I didn't wake up to pack lunches or to even see them off to school making sure they were wearing something pink or red, nope Dad took care of that and well that stuff means nothing to him. Insert guilt. I did manage to pull together our annual scavenger hunt which has become a tradition the kids look forward to every year. I punch out 6-8 hearts in their assigned colors (somewhere in their lives I color coded them, Jack-green, Olivia-pink, Harrison-blue, Max-red) and use the hearts for a scavenger hunt for their gift. The kids love this part, and I'm pretty sure enjoyed that way more than their gifts!!

We ordered pizza for the kids got them fed and headed out to dinner by ourselves...gasp!! Jack held down the fort while we enjoyed a hour without crying, whining, complaining and of course fighting!!

In other news we found out yesterday that the house we were in the process of trying to get is gone :( We've been trying for the last 3 weeks to get out of our lease so we could move into what I dare to call almost the perfect house for house. I'm super bummed, I spent a fair amount of time living in the house...mentally of course. We would of gained a LOT of space, a great fenced in back yard, and the kids could of walked to school. I'm so disappointed but I keep trying to tell myself that it just wasn't meant to be so it is what it is! We have now decided to ride out the length of this lease (November 1st) and just wait and see what and where we go from here, I'm not use to this limbo life style and it's a little unsettling for me. So now we need to figure out a way to squish all 7 of us in a four bedroom house!! I know this is do-able it's just not ideal.

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