Monday, December 14, 2009

The past month or so in one HUGE post....

So, I have totally neglected my blog and a few of you decided to let me know it!! :) So here we go, this is what's been going on with the Schoch Family!!

Here's a few of the kids playing at Lake Norman, around a week after Thanksgiving. They like walking the trails and playing in the sand here!!

This the only "after" picture of the house I have, I'm going to have to take some some so you can see how different the house looks now!! Below are the "before" shots, and yes it was awful!! There is still so much more I could do to this house!!

The kids first day of school!! Their school is GREAT, I absolutely love it there!! Harrison's teacher just won teacher of the year, and Jack's won it last year!! Olivia's teacher if from MI, and is just awesome, she young and fun and Olivia adores her!! Harrison if loving K, he's doing so well, and says he would like to go to school everyday!! Jack has finally found a school that challenges him, he's in all the advance classes, and just won the school spelling bee!! We're so proud of all of them, they are adjusting really well!!

Here they are on their new street...Quarrier Drive!! This subdivision is awesome, they've made a ton of friends!!

Here it is, not much has changed except I painted the front door.

This is our kitchen...YUCK..I hated the red!!! It's been painted a nice tan color and that awful light has been replaced too!!

This is looking from the kitchen into the family room, not really a great pic, but it's all I have!! These were all taken the week we moved in, because the next week it was painted chocolate brown, and there's not boxes everywhere!! There are these great little cubbie areas in front of the two windows on the side of the fireplace, they are Max's little hand out spots!! They're a decent size, just right for him to play and store his toys in!!

This is looking into our front room, and once again that awful green was painted over with a dark tan. We don't really use the couches up front, but I'm hoping to one day, maybe like sit down and read a book!!

This is the boys room, yes all three are in one room!! It's going really well, thank God!! It's actually a pretty big room and fit's all three of them comfortably, I even went out and bought three of those blue cubbies things for each one of the boys to hold their things!! They have a HUGE closet, that has two dressers, a book shelf and it's not even full. Harrison likes to play in there sometimes :) I'm going to paint the bottom gray, I just haven't got around to it yet.

This is Olivia's room, I haven't painted her room yet either..I need to!! She has a pretty good size closet herself, not quite as big as the boys, but big enough for her doll house, toy box, and here bitty baby stuff.

This is our room, it's way bigger than we need...but we've learned to live with it :) We moved the couch in front of our bed and got a flat screen for the wall on the left. It doesn't look too big in the picture, but it's the size of our garage and family room. On the right there is a hallway that has a walk in closet on each side and the bathroom is at the end of the hall. Tim and I have enjoyed hanging out in here, something we never did in our old room!!

Here's Jack on the flow rider at Kalahari, right before we moved here!

And Miss Livy Jane, who was great at it!!

Halloween, right before we moved. I don't know what I was thinking!!

The morning of Max's 2nd Birthday!! We celebrated with a big breakfast, and then headed over to Great Lakes Crossing, and had lunch at Rain Forest Cafe and played at Jeepers!! He had a fun day!!

Here's Max at his Birthday dinner with family. Yes I made my son a rainbow cake, I couldn't help myself the cake just looked too cool!! It was a really good cake, and I no longer feel guilty for making it :)

Max blowing out his candle!! He's such a big boy!! At his 2 year check up he weighed 24 pounds and was 32 inches long. They are a little concerned about his weight and would like to see him gain a pound or two. All my kids are small, but he didn't go up on his growth chart, he just kinda flat lined. I'm working hard to fattin him up!! He's still not a huge talker, but he's getting there!! Max is such a loving baby, he loves to give kisses and hugs to everyone. He likes to tuck in his brothers and sister at night, he gives them a hug and kiss says night night, and them blows them a kiss while he shuts the door. It's really sweet and melts my heart!!
I'll take some pictures of the house now so you don't think I left it that awful red and green!! Olivia is having a birthday party this Friday, a spa party!! And I forgot to post about Olivia's birthday weekend at American Girl, I'll have to do that later!!!
This now feels like home, I love it here!! Sometimes when we're out we say "I can't believe we really live here"!! Everything is so nice, and there is so much to do!! I no longer have feeling of being homesick, but I do miss my friends and family. While I may miss a couple of things, we're so happy here!!!