Monday, November 23, 2009


So I haven't got around to posting pics yet, I'm hoping to do that in the next couple of days. We did however get the first floor painted..yaaa! The house looks so much better and more like home now! We're getting very close to being settled in. Most of the boxes are unpacked, most of our things are put away, we just have to hang our photos and things and paint Olivia's room! I could spend some serious $$ finishing off this house, making it look the way I want it to look, but I'm just going to have to be patient.

The kids have made so many friends over the past couple of weeks, and I feel like there are always a few extra kids in my house or yard now. It's kinda weird and nice at the same time :) We did a movie night for the kids on our street last Friday night, Tim hooked up the projector and they sat in the drive-way and watched it on our garage!! It was a good time, I think we ended up with maybe like 25 kids here that night.

School has been going great, I love all of the kids teachers!! We're still kinda getting use to getting to school around 7:00 am, but the benefit is they are home at 1:45!! The school has been more than wonderful with Olivia, and really has impressed me with the level of care they are willing to give her! There is a great nurse at the school who really makes sure everyone is trained in what to do for her. I'm also only 1 mile from the school so that always makes me feel a little better.

The panic of not being home has completely left me, sometimes I think holy crap I'm not in MI anymore!!! But we're settled and happy here for now. I often have to remind myself that it's only been a few weeks. Leaving your home is not easy, I think MI will always be our home, but we needed somewhere a little different to actually live.

Monday, November 9, 2009

We're here!!

We arrived in Cornelius, NC around 7:00 pm Wednesday night, we pulled out the mattresses and a few other things and went to bed. Tim and my Dad were up bright and early on Thursday and had the whole trailer unloaded by 3:00!! We were pretty much settled in that day with all the couches, tables and beds put together. Friday and Saturday we worked on putting things away and other odds and ends. My parents left on Sunday morning and Tim and I decided to take the day off from unpacking and just enjoy some time with the kids!!! Right now the house is totally livable, but I have some more boxes to unpack and a lot of painting to do. I'm hoping to get it wrapped up in the next week or two.

Well that's how the unpacking went, but during this process I was a emotional wreck!! I wanted to go home!! I was super homesick and yes believe it or not I was missing Jackson, MI!! This feeling of panic and desperation has leaved me a little. I'm feeling better about being here and trying to remind myself of why I am here. I do know that if I want to move back to MI I can, and maybe I'll decide to...who knows. I'm going to give this a good chance. I love the nice weather and the sunshine, the people are so nice and there are a ton of kids around. The kids should start school in a couple of days, this will give me a good chance to get stuff done and explore the town with Max. There is a Gymboree class right up the road from us so I think I'm going to sign him up for a class there. I don't know I guess there's a lot to do and a lot to figure out, I'm just going to take it one day at a time right now. Well I promised the kids a trip to the park on the Lake, so I'll take some pictures and post them soon!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So we really did it!!

Our house is all packed up and we drove off on Monday. It was a little sad, I did cry as we drove away, and when I had o say goodbye to everyone. I thought it would be harder to leave the house than it was. Once we started taking everything out it started to look less and less like our home. I will always miss that house I'm sure, I've raised my family there. We'll see how it goes. Right now I'm really trying hard to focus on all the positives we are gaining by moving. Olivia did break down in tears yesterday and cried to "go home", that killed me. I was thinking then what would I have to do to buy my house back!! Change is hard, I know it is for me so I can't imagine what they are going through. I'm just hoping and praying that when we get there and settle in that everyone will be happy. I also keep reminding myself that we never planned on living in that house forever, it was suppose to only be 5 years and we just made it 10!

We've had a blast at Kalahari, it's been a very nice distraction. Right now my kids are lying in bed eating ice cream cones and watching UP. These kids are the most important thing to me and I know in my heart that moving to NC is what is best for them, so I'm trying hard to suck up any petty feeling about my house. I'm sure we'll make this next house our home too!! Well tomorrow morning we wake up and drive home, we'll just be driving in the opposite direction then we usually do. I'm sure tomorrow will be hard when it hits me that we're not going back to our house, that this just wasn't a little get away. Wish me luck!!!